pura vida
there is nothing more to figure out
isn’t it funny
how our thinking mind can only
take us so far
yet it convinces us
at least me
at least attempts to…
that it will
the only way
to return home.
there is no more thinking to do
you already understand
said the ocean
the waves
her grace
all that is left
for you
my dear
is acceptance.
accepting that yes
extreme suffering
starvation, war, rape, murder, greed, lust, pollution, superiority
all coexist with
love, grace, beauty, peace
mother ocean
sits, and dances, and breathes
all day long
the monkeys rejoice
and the birds continue to sing for the rain
oh but all of nature continues to play
without the pain of anticipatory betrayal
look to them
i’m reminded
when you need to learn how to accept
for she does not overthink, overbear, or exhaust
but how?
i cry
into my pillow at night
begging my lover to explain the duality
if only i could understand
… i just want to understand, i say
yet, with no answers or judgement or rush
he sits with me in my illusion
a suffering suited
only for mankind
he waits with me for the sun to rise
and trusts that once again
i will see what truly is, what has always been.
may we all come to accept.